Contributions and Charges
Under the School Education Act 1999 we are required to report the financial processes of our school to the community. This involves outlining proposed contributions and charges for the coming school year two months prior to the commencement of the following year. There are two payments to be made, contributions plus charges.
We appreciate the support of our parent community in making voluntary contributions which directly support the education of their children. The Goollelal Primary School Board has approved the voluntary contribution for 2024 as $60.00 per child, these can be paid on the Personal Use Items List or theQkr!® app.
The Contributions and Charges Schedule can be found below:
Contributions and Charges Schedule 2024
Payments and permission forms can be completed by downloading the Qkr!® app on your phone.
P&C Contribution
There is also a $40.00 P&C levy per family that can also be paid on the Qkr!® app.