About Our School Board
The Board has been formed with the fundamental purpose of enabling parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interests of students and will enhance the education provided by the school.
Functions of the School Board
- Work within the Department of Education’s relevant legislation and regulations;
- Contribute to the school’s Business Plan. This document summarises what the school wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to get there.
- Monitor the progress of the school’s Business Plan;
- Endorse and review the annual budget (this summarises the income received annually from the Department of Education and other sources, and also lists planned expenditure, including salaries);
- Assist with the formulation of Codes of Conduct (guiding principles that influence the decisions and actions that the school takes);
- Assist with the formulation of a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school;
- Participate in a review of the performance of the school;
- Develop interest, within and across the community, about the school;
- Assist with the selection (but not the appointment) of a principal when a vacancy arises (usually the Chair of the School Board will be a member of the selection panel);
- Approve school fees, charges, contributions and items of personal use (booklists);
extra cost optional components of programs; arrangements for sponsorship or advertising; - Liaise with other committees within the school e.g. the P&C;
- Inform the wider school community by holding one open meeting per year; and
- Advise the principal on religious education and related activities.
The School Board Does Not:
- Manage the day to day running of the school. For example, it does not employ staff, decide which classes students will be assigned to, or resolve issues relating to individual teachers and students and/or parents;
- Discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents – these are management roles, and therefore the responsibility of the principal;
- Represent specific interest groups, or permit special interests to dominate the agenda of the Board;
- Intervene in the educational instruction of students;
- Purchase land, buildings or motor cars, and cannot enter into hire purchase agreements or obtain credit or loans, unless permission is given by the Minister; and
- Performance manage the principal or any other staff member
What Can You Bring to the Board?
Parent Representatives – bring their experience as parents at the school and the views and context of the wider school community to School Board meetings;
Community Representatives – bring wider perspectives, particular skills and expertise to the School Board. They may have business, IT, accounting, building, or other skills that the school is looking for at that time; and
School Staff Representatives – bring their educational expertise and years of experience to School Board meetings.
School Board News
The School Board will from time to time provide updates and information within the School newsletter to keep the wider school community abreast of key activities like member nominations & elections. Minutes of School Board meetings will be published on the school website.
Board Meetings
The School Board generally meets once a term for 2 hours (4 times a year).
Terms of Reference
The Goollelal Primary School Board operates under a set of Terms of Reference. This document clearly outlines the roles and powers of the Board, as well as the procedures that the Board is required to follow. All new Board members receive a thorough induction process to ensure that they fully understand their roles and responsibilities.
How Do I Contact the Board?
You can contact the Board on goollelalboard@gmail.com or by speaking directly with a Board member.
How Can I Take Part?
Elected members serve an initial term of 3 years, and may be reappointed more than once. We always need a parent majority, so if you would like to get involved, please register you interest by emailing Goollelal.ps@education.wa.edu.au