Our vision is to provide all students with a high-quality educational experience

The Goollelal Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is a volunteer-run organisation of parents, community members and school staff who are dedicated to creating a positive school experience for the children at Goollelal Primary School. The P&C organises and facilitates events and fund-raising initiatives to enhance student education and promote a sense of belonging in the Goollelal community.

You can join now using the  Membership form and stay up-to-date via our Facebook page.

Executive Committee
President: Lorrayne Grullis
Vice President: Sarah Burns
Secretary: Jo Twomey
Treasurer: Stacey Cain

Board Representative: Caitlin Merritt
Canteen Co-ordinators: Linda Scrivens and Christine Cosgrave
Executive Members: Caitlin Merritt,  Laura Holloway, Megan Finkelde, Amy Marshall and Linda Scrivens


Click on the picture below to learn more.